About 243 General Merchandise

243 General Merchandise is a family-owned enterprise which offers a range of consumer goods that specializes in creating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Every design is easy to use and looks great on any web device and on any type of print material.

Each conceptualized design is significant to the company and relatable to its intended audience.

The overall design features are memorable and impactful to grab the attention of the target audience and leave a positive impression.

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Website Development

The web design matches the vision of the company and operates through a professional and fully-responsive website. It also allows the site to adapt according to the device used.

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Product Photography

All the photos taken for the company are web-ready and in high-resolution images that were captured in a creative and best manner to represent the brand.

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Print and Digital Design (ID Design, Business Card, Social Media Poster, AVP Video)

The elements used for the marketing collaterals and ad designs are versatile, memorable, and appropriate to the company’s vision and mission.

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